P-06-1358 Review the inadequate funding for Schools in Wales


This petition was submitted by Martin Price, having collected a total of 7,007 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

Many schools have set deficit budgets for 2023-24 financial year. More, perhaps most schools will be posting deficit budgets for 2024-25. The impacts on children in Welsh Schools are grave – poorer teaching and learning, poorer buildings, safety concerns and staff burnout.


Additional Information:

This petition was prepared by Chairs of Governor Associations throughout Wales.

The impacts of low funding on children in Welsh Schools are:

• Reduction in the quality of learning & teaching

• Increased adult/learner ratios

• Health & safety -less adult supervision, for example at lunchtime and breaks

• Fewer support staff, meaning that children with Additional Learning Needs are at risk of not receiving the help they need.

• Fewer adults in classrooms putting everyone at risk.

• Fewer teachers – either through non-replacement or redundancies.

• Less maintenance on buildings leading to safety concerns

• Increased stress on Headteachers and Senior staff, leading to increased sickness absence and burn-out.

And at the same time schools are struggling to implement educational reforms.

We urge the Welsh Government to urgently review the level of funding for Education for this and next financial years. Our children deserve the best education and must not suffer through funding cuts.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Vale of Glamorgan

·         South Wales Central